New Books


This page is dedicated to providing information for all newly released books written by Christian and Inspirational author & poet, Tannika Nikeya (a.k.a Tannika Moore).


What area (s) of your life do you need CPR (calm, peace, and a refreshing)? How can you resuscitate your dreams, your relationships, your career, your body, your mind, etc. May God breathe life into you and every area of your life. May He resuscitate you towards hope, redemption, restoration, and peace. This planner helps you to stay organized as well as continue your healing journey by exploring where in your life you need CPR (calm, peace, and a refreshing).

Available at Amazon now.

CPR (Remain CALM, Seek PEACE, Get REFRESHED) Planner

To continue with the theme of her last book, Bring It To The Surface: Poetry & Journal, Tannika Nikeya wants to further encourage others with a special planner. Let’s Take This One Day At A Time Planner helps you to be intentional in taking one day at a time. This planner helps you to not only plan your week and stay organized, but also continue your healing journey and growth by being intentional in five areas: prayer, goal setting, self-care, gratitude, and reflection. Available on Amazon now.


Introducing Tannika Nikeya’s new book, Bring It To The Surface! This book is not only full of poetic inspirations and inner dialogue, but a chance for self-reflection with coaching questions and a space to journal your answers. And in order to heal and receive the abundant life Jesus came to give us, we have to allow God to bring some things to the surface. You can trust God who first loved you and gave His only begotten Son in order for you to have an eternal love and life. So, let the healing begin. Confess it, express it and then address it. God can handle your pain and God can provide the answers you need. She is so excited for this book to reach your hands and heart, and she prays you allow God to bring some things to the surface.

Great for poetry lovers, book clubs, small groups, and journaling! And a great tool to accompany your healing journey.

Now Available As A Kindle Ebook!

Tannika Moore just released her third poetry book titled, Christmas In The Winter! Winter can be a symbol for a time of hardship, death, loneliness, loss, and even uncomfortable waiting. We must realize that the winter season in our lives, however, do not always come with drudgery. This season can be a time of rebirth and reflection, and also a time of beauty and peace if we adjust our perspectives. With Christmas In The Winter, Tannika is reminding you this Christmas season and also through every season of your life, including the uncomfortable and challenging ones, to hold on. She is reminding you to hope again, to fight the good fight of faith, and to receive the joy and love God has for you and wants to give you. Remember, there is Christmas in winter. And a Savior who came to save and love you. Be encouraged. From her heart to yours,

Tannika Nikeya

Now available on Amazon! Click on the link below to purchase your copy today: Christmas In The Winter .

It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. (Galatians 5:1 NIV)