Destiny’s Shoes

Come check out my web version or digital Children’s book titled Destiny’s Shoes. 

Great for story time with your little one and an awesome conversation starter about purpose and destiny.

Everyone has a destiny and purpose.

I like to think that destiny is your ordained calling, end goal, or destination for your life. Purpose is why you were created and the vehicle that aids you in fulfilling your destiny. I still have yet to fully understand destiny, at least the way God views it. Nevertheless, this definition of destiny and purpose have helped me a bit.

Watch this with your little one and get the conversation started about destiny and purpose and how your children are fearfully and wonderfully made.


Remain Calm. Seek PEACE. Get Refreshed.

The physical CPR stands for cardiopulmonary resuscitation. It can help save a life during cardiac arrest: when the heart stops beating or beats too ineffectively to circulate blood to the brain and other vital organs. But while we need CPR to revive the body and bring him/her back to life, we need mental, emotional, spiritual CPR to revive our hearts, minds and more.

What areas of your life do you need to perform CPR on? How can you resuscitate your dreams, your relationships, your career, your body, your mind, etc? May God breathe life into you and every area of your life. May He resuscitate you towards hope, redemption, restoration, and peace. This planner helps you to continue your healing journey by exploring where in your life you need CPR (calm, peace, and a refreshing).

Available at Amazon now.

CPR (Remain CALM, Seek PEACE, Get REFRESHED) Planner

Get Your Life With This New Planner

Get your life with this new planner. Stay organized. Plan your week. Set your goals. Breathe and receive God’s plan to revive the areas of your life with CPR (CALM, PEACE, and a time of REFRESHING).

Available at Amazon Now!

Kindle and Paperback

CPR (Remain CALM, Seek PEACE, Get REFRESHED) Planner